Saturday, February 18, 2012

Butterflies in Love

Two butterflies were in love...
One day, they decided to play hide and seek.
During the game,
Boy butterfly: Let’s play a small game between us.
Girl butterfly: Ok
Boy butterfly: The one who sits in this flower tomorrow morning is the one that loves the other one more.
Girl butterfly: Ok
Next morning, the boy butterfly waits for the flower to open so that he can sit in it before the girl butterfly does. After waiting for some time, the flower finally opened. Guess what did he see?
He saw the dead girl butterfly inside the flower. The boy butterfly was shocked!
The girl butterfly had stayed inside the flower all night so that she can fly to him and tell him how much she loves him when the flower opens in the morning.
This is true love. Life is love.

Monday, February 13, 2012

happy valentine's day

Happy valentine's day

I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.

How Much Do Animals Sleep?

  • Most animals have a daily pattern of rest and activity. Some animals are more active during the day (diurnal) and some are more active during the night (nocturnal). How much time do animals spend sleeping? Well, it depends on the animal:


    SpeciesAverage Total Sleep Time
    (% of 24 hr)
    Average Total Sleep Time
    Brown Bat 82.9% 19.9 hr
    Giant Armadillo 75.4% 18.1 hr
    North American Opossum 75% 18 hr
    Python 75% 18 hr
    Owl Monkey 70.8% 17.0 hr
    Human (infant) 66.7% 16 hr
    Tiger 65.8% 15.8 hr
    Tree shrew 65.8% 15.8 hr
    Squirrel 62% 14.9 hr
    Western Toad 60.8% 14.6 hr
    Ferret 60.4% 14.5 hr
    Three-toed Sloth 60% 14.4 hr
    Golden Hamster 59.6% 14.3 hr
    Platypus 58.3% 14.0 hr
    Lion 56.3% 13.5 hr
    Gerbil 54.4% 13.1 hr
    Rat 52.4% 12.6 hr
    Cat 50.6% 12.1 hr
    Cheetah 50.6% 12.1 hr
    Mouse 50.3% 12.1 hr
    Rhesus Monkey 49.2% 11.8 hr
    Rabbit 47.5% 11.4 hr
    Jaguar 45% 10.8 hr
    Duck 45% 10.8 hr
    Dog 44.3% 10.6 hr
    Bottle-nosed dolphin 43.3% 10.4 hr
    Star-nosed Mole 42.9% 10.3 hr
    Baboon 42.9% 10.3 hr
    European Hedgehog 42.2% 10.1 hr
    Squirrel Monkey 41.3% 9.9 hr
    Chimpanzee 40.4% 9.7 hr
    Guinea Pig 39.2% 9.4 hr
    Human (adult) 33.3% 8 hr
    Pig 32.6% 7.8 hr
    Guppy (fish) 29.1% 7 hr
    Gray Seal 25.8% 6.2 hr

Animal Sounds

These are the sounds animals "make" in various languages. Can you produce them? Why are some of them similar and others different?

Arabicmiaou miaouhaw hawcouak couakmooooooo
Chinese (Mandarin)miao miaowang wanggua guamu mu
Dutchmiauwwoefkwak kwakboeh
Finnishmiau, kurnauhau hau/vuh vuhkvaak kvaakammuu
Frenchmiaououah ouahcoin coinmeuh
Germanmiauwau wau/wuff wuffquack, quackmmuuh
Hebrewmiyauhaw haw/hav havga ga gamoo
Hindimya:uN, mya:uNbho:-bho:baak-baak-baakba:N ba:N
Italianmiaobau bauqua quamuuuuuu
Japanesenyaawanwan, kyankyangaagaamoo
Norwegianmjauvoff /vov-vovkvakk-kvakk
Polishmiauhau haukwa kwamuuuuu
Portuguese (Brazil)miauau-auqua quamuuuu
Spanishmiauguau guaucuá cuá (Spain), cuac cuac (Argentina)muuu
Swedishmjauvov vovkvack kvackmuu
Turkishmiyauv, miyauvhav, havvak, vak mooooo

Greek Love Stories Orpheus and Eurydice

Orpheus was son of Apollo, the Olympian god and Calliope, the oldest and most beautiful of the nine muses. He plays the lyre and had an enchanting voice. He could charm beasts, trees and even rocks to do whatever he wanted with his musical talent.
He fell in love with a nymph named Eurydice and before long, the two were married. They became practically inseparable and could not live without each other.
One day, a satyr saw and pursued Eurydice. She ran in terror and accidentally stepped on a poisonous snake. Eurydice died and her spirit went to the Underworld. Orpheus was devastated. He decided to go down into the underworld to bring her back
Once inside the Underworld, Orpheus charmed Cerberus, the three-headed dog of Hades who guards the Underworld to sleep using his lyre and beautiful voice. He also played music so sweet and moving that Hades and his cold Queen Persephone relented and allowed Orpheus to bring Eurydice back to the surface of the earth to enjoy the light of day. However, they warned Orpheus to walk in front of Eurydice for the journey back and not look back at her until they are out of the underworld.
Orpheus readily agreed and began his ascent. Throughout the journey, he listened closely for her footfalls behind him but he could hear nothing. Fearing that Hades had tricked him to get him out of the Underworld, Orpheus turned around when he was only a few feet from leaving the Underworld. He caught sight of Eurydice for a brief moment before she was whisked back down into the land of the dead.
Orpheus tried to enter the Underworld again but failed. He spent the rest of his days not willing to love another so as to stay true to the memory of Eurydice.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Vampire Love Story

Mommy," the little girl cried out with her arms in the air.
"Please just tell me one story."
The older woman stopped near the door and looked at her daughter with tired eyes. She walked back to her daughter's bed with a sigh. She kneeled on the hard wooden floor and rested her chin on the side of the bed.

"Which story, my dearest?"
She ran her pale fingers through her daughter's silky brown hair which was nearly identical to her own.
"I want to listen to the story where the vampire fell in love with a human."
The woman's eyes flashed with pain.
"Honey… Haven't you heard that one enough times?"
"Please mommy?"

Her mother paused when she saw the pleading look in her daughter's eyes. They were full of innocence and love. The little girl’s belief in love was touching but it hurt the mother inside to admit that she had once succumbed to that side of herself and it had ended in misery.
"Please? Just one more time?"
The woman felt her resolve shatter.
"Fine, just one more time."
She crawled herself into the small bed.
"Okay, so where do I start?"
She grinned at the little girl.
"I'm sure you know the story better than I do."
That was a solid lie. No one knew the story better than herself.
"Ooh, start with…"
The girl sat up straighter wearing a smile on her porcelain face.
"Once upon a time, in a small rainy town…"

"Oh, right. Once upon a time, in a small rainy town known as Forks, Washington, there was a girl. She had just moved from Arizona to live with her father. She had always been a bit different and she never felt like she fit in with the others. Her mother told her she was too mature for her own good. On her first day of school, she met a boy. He was the most beautiful boy she had ever seen."
"But she thought he didn't like her."
"Yes." The little girl chuckled.
"She thought he didn't like her but he did. He was like no one she had ever met before and it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with her. One snowy day, she was almost hit by a truck but he saved her and with that one accident, their fates became undeniably intertwined. She was completely taken by him.”
"After that, he couldn't seem to stay away from her. He followed her when she went to Los Angeles and saved her from some very dangerous people. That night, he told her all about himself. He told her he’s a vampire. He was scared she would run away.”
"However, she didn't. She wasn't even scared. They began to spend more time together even though it was risky because his identity might be exposed. He took her to a beautiful meadow and told her how much he loved her.
"She met his family who became her best friends. She loved them. They took her with them when they went out for a dinner but they ran into other vampires.”
"These vampires were not like the vampires in his family. They were mean and they hurt people. When they saw how much the family protected her, their leader decided to hunt her to cause pain for the family."

Her daughter let out a little shriek and hid her face beneath the blanket. The woman's brown eyes looked at her daughter with concern.
"Is it too scary?"
"No mommy. Keep going."
She sighed and closed her eyes.
"The family hid her at somewhere safe. They thought she will be safe but she wasn't. The leader was able to track her down. He tricked her into meeting him alone by telling her that he captured…”
The woman’s voice trailed off and she suddenly said in a stern voice, "Why do you want to hear this story? It's much sadder than the others."
"I love this story. It seems more real than the others."
"Even with the vampires?"
"Who said vampires aren't real, mommy?"
The woman’s eyes showed a flicker of pain.
"Honey, are you sure you don't want me to tell you a fairytale? One with princesses and fairies?"
"There is a fairy in your story, mommy."
She laughed.
"Yes, I suppose there is."
"Please keep going?"
"Oh, alright. Anyway, I'm almost at the end of it.”
"The evil vampire captured and bit her but the vampire she was in love with sucked the venom out and saved her life. He was still there when she woke up in the hospital the following day. He told her he would stay with her for as long as she wanted. He also said he wanted to be with her forever."
The woman’s voice cracked with the last words. He had lied. He left her without any consideration for her feelings.

"Did they live happily ever after?"
The woman swallowed the lump in her throat.
"Yeah, they lived happily ever after."
"I don't believe you." The little girl said with a yawn.
Her mother was shocked.
"Why not?"
"It’s because if they had lived happily ever after, you would be happy. You would actually smile…"
The woman turned around and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Sometimes she felt that her daughter was too similar too her. She was too smart and wise for her age. She kissed her daughter's forehead and secured the blanket around her tiny frame.
As she walked out of the room into the hall, she began to wonder. If he loved her, would there be a happily ever after to their story? Or would it just be another sad ending?
He promised her forever. He'd lied. She had tried to move on like he wanted her to but she couldn't.
Suddenly, she became aware of the knocking on the front door. She blinked away the pricking tears in her eyes and trudged down the stairs to the door. She opened it slightly and standing there was the hero of her daughter's stories.
"Bella…" He whispered with a smooth enticing voice.
She gasped and stumbled backwards as she recognises the man that she had been waiting for a long time. However this time, there might actually be a happily ever after to their story.

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